Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wind Machines

On Sunday Jonda and I had a photoshoot up at the wind machines above Ellensburg, I had never been up to the actual site, it was very cool. They are SOOO big, so big, and it is soo windy...obviously, that's why they were built there. Anywho, just another day in paradise.
Here is a little perspective...I look like a mini-me.


JoMama said...

I can't imagine how huge they are. When you see an entire truck taken up driving down the road with one section of those things... all put together they must be HUGMONGOUS.

Emily Bartsch said...

Those are huge! Your photo shoot pictures are amazing by the way!

Lori O. said...

I want to see one up close someday, okay another thing for the bucket list

Jeff and Emily said...

I don't know why, but those things have always creeped me out. Especially when you come across a whole field of them. Creepy!!

Rach said...

They are just ginormous! I've been up close to one too, they're so cool. What a creative idea for a photo shoot!