Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fun in Hell's Canyon

I really have so many photos from this weekend I am not even sure where to start....we headed up the Snake River with Andy and Cenone, Randy and Shari, James, Stephanie, Addison and Blake, and Tyler and Kelly for a weekend of R&R.  We rode in an awesome jet boat up the river, took the jet skis, fished, kayaked, laid on the beach, played volleyball, stayed at the Garden Creek Lodge, where they fed us awesome meals, rode the rapids, and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
 The Big Boat as Blake called it.
Running the rapids in Jet Ski's is really fun!  
 Running the rapids in Kayaks...not as fun!
Cherry Creek is a waterfall that you get baptised in....its freezing cold and totally refreshing!
Here's the old farmhouse which is used by the hosts to cook and serve meals!
This is the cabin where we hung out! 


Kara said...

Another super fun adventure! Your suit is super cute! I want to go splash in some water now...

Jeff and Emily said...

I was going to comment on all the cute suits too! Maybe some day in the far far future I'll be able to wear cutsie bikinis again.... I love the baptism fountain now that would wake you up!