Monday, July 2, 2012

Pretty Purple

I love lavender, the smell, the color, etc., so when Jonda and I shot an engagement shoot in a lavender field last week, I was in heaven, and better yet, the bee's were lovin' the field to!
The lavender above is English Lavender and this stuff right here is French blooms at different times and looks a little different.   


Tait Family said...

Staci you amaze me! Photographer, real estate agent, home ec degree, chef, craft guru, biker babe, triathlon athlete, horticulturalist, the list goes on! Im so glad to be able to call you a friend! (that way when jacoby says, "whhhhhyyyyyy?" I can call you! Great shots of the bee!

Kara said...

I just discovered Dry Lavender it weird that your beautiful pictures make me thirsty now? Some day I'll have a whole house full of pictures that I stole from your blog :)