Friday, January 21, 2011

A place for everything and everything in it's place

"A place for everything and everything in it's place." This is Brian's motto, I have heard him say it over and over when something is not put back in the exact same spot I found it, whether it be in his truck or shop....I sometimes wanna pinch him for saying things like that and then the other part of me is thankful he is not a messy person....I am feeling free from the disaster that was once my kitchen drawers, I am chaos free! I finally went out and spend the money on bamboo drawer organizers and bow-howdy it feels wonderful. My blood pressure thanks me as well, because it no longer spikes the instant I open a drawer and have to rifle through to find something! It's fabulous and I highly recommend it.


JoMama said...

Nice, looks great! We want to keep your blood pressure at healthy levels. Brian is the neatest, mostest organized dude around.

Lori O. said...

I understand Brian i am just like him. It all started when i lived in my 1100 sq. ft. house with 2 kids in Lompoc. Now i just love putting things in buckets,baskets and anything with compartments. Keep up the good work.

Kara said...

Your drawers are beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

the knife in bottom picture to the right is out of place