Thursday, June 10, 2010

Stanley the Cow Horse

We have added one more cow to the bunch, pictures to come later...since we had the trailer we thought we would try and move one of the cows from this pasture to Mary Jo's to keep Laverne and Shirley company and because Mary Jo has an abundance of grass, so Stanley and Mom got out there and played cowgirl. Well it worked for awhile until we had them almost in the trailer when Charlie (the white one) decided he didn't want to go and turned around and hopped the panels we had set up as a block...Missing 2 Nuts decided to follow suit...well the cows ended up winning, because once they know they can break through the fence it's all over...I guess this Foursome didn't want to be split up.
Brian the cow whisperer...


Emily Bartsch said...

I can't believe you have so many cows/steers! Thats a couple tons of meat.

Lori O. said...

You go cowboys and cowgirls... I sure wished i lived closer so i could get a side of beef. Stanley sure is pretty.