Tuesday, November 10, 2009

B is for Beef

I am sure most of you remember the 1/2 a beef tutorial posting from last years butchering of the cows. Well it's back! Our cows were butchered on Monday morning and Maddy had an excellent time watching it all. She actually did more sniffing then trying to eat anything. I refrained from posting too many graphic photos, but I will leave you with these. Enjoy!


sarah fuccillo photography said...

so is b for baby or beef? i'm confused. can you even believe you get to see me in just a few days!

JoMama said...

I love the hanging carcass with the onlooking steer in the background... do you think he knew what he was in for? YUMMY. Can't wait to see how they've turned out this year.

Queen of Dirt said...

Farewell Curly, Mo and Joe--it was a memorable summer.