Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Bellies and Babies

This is my dear friend Sarah- this weekend we had her baby shower and it was tons o fun! She is due Jan 23rd, you would never know it, she looks tiny!
I couldn't resist the belly to belly pic!

I am surrounded- by pregnant bellies or newborns. 2 of my college friends are due in the next few months, my sister and another good friend had their babies in Aug/Sept., they say these things come in three's, but have no fear, I AM NOT succombing to the peer pressure...I am holding my ground...no babies here! I am thinking I might become a stay at home dog mom, Maddy deserves all of my love and affection too!


JoMama said...

Tell Sarah that she is lucky that she has not turned into the monstrosity that I became pregnant... so lucky! I love your new background. You do not have to even think about babes before you feel like - in fact I would reccomend enjoying your freedom a touch longer. Besides, now you have niece to shower your attention on. :)

Fuccillo Family said...

I'm glad to hear that Maddie is getting a little love these days! Thanks Jomama for the compliment, even though I feel like a momstrosity!